
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Only Three More Days...

till Halloween! This is what I've heard all morning, and it's not even 9:00 yet. My boys really like Halloween, but believe it or not it's more for the dressing up than the candy. They start asking me in July how many days until Halloween. I had to make a Halloween advent calendar just to appease the masses. Maybe I'll post that on Friday, when it's full.

Right now I'll show you guys another card we did at the Wild Cards group this month, since it is still Halloween season.

Stamps: CTMH Creepy Cobwebs
Inks: CTMH Black, Buttercup, Goldrush, Autumn Terracotta, Pansy Purple
Papers: CTMH Pansy Purple, Sunflower, Colonial White

After all this Halloween business is over I need to get cracking on Christmas stuff!

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