
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

You Look Boo-tiful!

Once a month a group of ladies come to my house and we do cards and layouts. I love doing it because it's one of the few times I get to talk with grown women! This is one of the cards we did. I totally cased it from Michelle Zindorf's tutorial. She is so amazing with a brayer! And I am so thankful that she shares all her great work and know-how with everyone.

Stamps: CTMH Boo-tiful, Four Seasons
Inks: CTMH Buttercup, Sunflower, Crystal Blue, Indian Corn Blue, Outdoor Denim, Black
Papers: CTMH Black, Indian Corn Blue, Sunflower, White Daisy

And now that I have an actual craft item on my blog, I feel a bit more accomplished. I have way more cards and things to post, but I don't want to completely overwhelm (or underwhelm) you. Besides, I really need to get more stuff done for my upcoming workshop this Saturday. Lots of goodies to make!

Thanks for stopping by!

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