
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Busy Season

It never seems to fail that the week I have my craft clubs meeting, I am busy every day that week. Good thing I'm so organized and efficient...ha! I actually do have all the projects done but my house has suffered for it. And I can't for the life of me remember why I thought it would be a good idea to go with Bio-Comps class to the zoo tomorrow. Didn't I know I would need that day to get laundry done? I certainly don't want my guests wading through piles of the boys clothes. Or the stacks of food storage stuff we got at Costco yesterday.

So before I go start sorting said laundry, here's one of the cards we'll be making in the Wild Cards class Saturday. I copied it with what I had from a card I saw over at Amy Scheffer's Pickled Paper Designs. She is just one of the many talented crafters I stalk, I mean follow.

Stamps: CTMH Wonderful Holiday
Inks: CTMH Outdoor Denim
Papers: CTMH Aspen Reflections Kit

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