
Monday, November 3, 2008

Nostalgia Comes To Visit

I grew up where the leaves changed colors and fell in Autumn. I really miss that. We had a big tree in the front yard that shed colorful, crunchy leaves every year. I don't think my dad liked it quite as much since he had to rake them all. But I remember walking through them and I liked the sounds they made. Here, I just have the mess of the mesquite trees...and that seems year round. No crunching of leaves under your feet, no gold and orange in the trees, no rustling in the wind.

When my Oh Scrap! group met last month, we made Autumn pages. I had to dig through some old pictures to find anything that would work with them. I had to settle for studio pictures we took as a family...7 years ago! I can't believe how little Bio-Comp was. Engineer has a bit more hair now, he grew back his goatee 5 years ago. And me, I have less hair but more everything else!

Stamps: CTMH Annotations
Inks: CTMH New England Ivy, Indian Corn Blue, Outdoor Denim, Chocolate
Papers: CTMH Barn Red, Goldrush, Olive, Colonial White, Outdoor Denim, Chocolate

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