
Friday, January 9, 2009

I Like My Calling...

How perfect is it to have a calling at church that gives you an excuse to make cards? I'm the secretary for the woman's organization (the Relief Society) and part of my assignment is to have birthday cards ready to send to each of the women in our ward. Every month I make a batch of cards to be signed and sent out. I have been dying to use the Quilter's Sampler stamp set I got a couple of months ago from Papertrey Ink, and thought it was the right time to ink it up. Actually, the right time to ink up any stamp is as soon as you get it home, but that's not always possible, right?

So this is the card I came up with for January's birthday ladies.

Stamps: Papertrey Ink Quilter's Sampler
Inks: CTMH Cocoa
Papers: CTMH Perfect Day Reflection Kit

It's pretty simple, the way I like cards, but has just enough to make it interesting, I think.

On another note, I did get to play with my new Copics. I have to say I didn't think I'd love a marker this much...but I do. I've made some birthday cards with them but I'll wait until the recipients get them before I spoil the surprise. What surprise? The fact that I mailed them out in time!


  1. SO cute! I have decided that I NEED the Quilters Sampler set. ;)

  2. very nice! I know some who have january b-days so I'll have to ask them to see it up close. :)
