
Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year, New Challenge

Another year has snuck up on me! No matter, all the things I didn't get finished last year are still here for me to not do this year as well.

As it is a new year, I thought I'd do something new. Not new to the blogging community, but new to me. In my Wild Cards group I give them sketches and examples of cards to make. But I know there are some friends and readers out there not part of that group and I wanted to include them. So on this first day of the first month of a new year, I'm issuing my first Craft Closet Challenge. Take this sketch and make a card with it. It's that simple...or elaborate, depending on how you embellish it. Put a sentiment on it, or leave it blank. Add embellishments, or leave it simple. Turn it on it's side. Do what ever tickles your fancy. To celebrate this first challenge, post your card on your blog, or if you don't have one, email me a picture of it, by the 15th of this month and I'll put your name in a drawing for some new CTMH Pewter Design Brads.

And since it was such a late night, I'll have to get back to you with my card!

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