
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

February Started Without Me!

Wait, don't go! I'm still here!

I have a question for you...What do you get when you put 9 adults and 9 kids in the same house? Give up? Yeah, I do too, but whatever it is, my house sure looks it. We had a small family gathering here last weekend.

Small: because we were still missing 6 adults and 2 kids.
Family: because, well because it was something you invite family to.
Gathering: because our oldest got baptised.

Engineer said we were getting old because we totally have forgotten what it's like to have babies in the house...okay, not totally forgotten. Some things you just can't forget.

But, you didn't stop by to hear family stories. How about a nice card?

I killed two birds with this one. I used this month's sketch challenge to make this month's birthday cards for the ladies at church. Not very girly I know. Living with 4 guys has knocked the "girly" out of me I think.

So here is the sketch,

And here's my card, now if you have a birthday this month and are in my ward, don't peek.

Stamps: Penny Black Catch A Star!, CTMH Say It In Style
Inks: CTMH Moonstruck, Topiary, Honey, Brilliance Graphite Black
Papers: CTMH Stardust Reflection Kit

And with that, I'll call it a night.

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