
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Released From The Swap Mines

Oh, it is good to be home!

I spent the weekend with 200 other CTMH ladies having fun, being creative, and eating too much good food.

And that also means I am free from the swap mines! I got my cards finished with plenty of time left. I even had time to make a card for the contest that was held, but I'll save that for next time.

My mother has told me before that I do too much, whether it is painting my sons' toy room, sewing quiet books, or making cards. I have a problem with "less is more". And that definitely applies to this card. I could have made these very simple, but I don't think they would have had the same effect. From what I've heard, the ladies that received my cards liked them, and that's all that matters.

So if you'll indulge me a couple of pictures, here is the card that kept my home a wreck for a week.

Stamps: CTMH Reach For The Stars
Inks: CTMH Moonstruck, Honey, Grey Wool
Papers: CTMH Stardust Reflections Kit

Here is how I made this card: The pattern is from the Originals book offered by CTMH. I wanted to get a 3-D effect with this card so I used my Cricut to cut the concentric squares on each of the layers, then used foam tape to pop them up...lots and lots of foam tape. Each of the elements, (the stars, the ship, the sentiment, the brads) are embossed then cut out. Well, not the brads. The stars and ship are popped up with foam tape as well. It gives the whole card a diorama kind of look.

How many did I make?


I know I told you 13, Mom. But I did make extras. With everything already out, it would have been silly not to. Plus, I wanted to have back ups in case I messed up.

Well, there you go. If you are one of the ladies that received this card...consider yourself lucky. I might have to go with the "less is more" thing for a while!


  1. Angela, believe it or not I'm checking your web site and I mean to win, okay at least be a part of the drawing. You used the new paper pack Stardust. How appropriate, you have stars on your card. Very very cute!
    Joanne H

  2. That card is FABULOUS! I recognize the time that went into the details and I love it! Great job!

  3. Your card is amazing! And yeah for your markers. :)

  4. It's an awesome card. You really put your all into everything you do.

  5. This is so adorable! I am certain anyone who was lucky enough to recieve this LOVED it!
