
Thursday, August 20, 2009

If Gardening Makes You Look Like That, Hand Me That Shovel

Well, it's been a couple of busy days this last week and I've not taken the time to sit and blog. But that can only mean I've been crafting, right?! Wait, and doing laundry...and cooking...homework with the boys...occasionally I'll get to sit and breathe.

What was I talking about? Smiley from

Crafting! Oh, yes!

I have something that I've forgotten to share with you all. It is the other card for my Above/Below swap. I made this for Vicki after looking around her blog. She and I like a lot of the same stamp companies...unfortunately I don't have anything from them!

It's a good thing I have about a thousand other stamps I could use!

How many hours would you need to garden to look like Ms. Gardner here?

Stamps: CTMH Ms. Gardner
Inks: Memento Rich Cocoa
Papers: CTMH Emporium Reflections Kit

I used the paper tole technique again to give things more dimension. I think I'm addicted to doing this. I've done it on almost all my projects I've been working on lately.

I haven't ever tried gardening, I leave that to Engineer. But I think if it was like this,Smiley from instead of this,Smiley from I would want to get outside more often. Right now, I have no desire to step out of the house while the sun is still up! All I can say is Autumn can not get here fast enough for me!

Ok, enough rambling...back to work!


  1. I promise gardening didn't make me look like that, just hot and sweaty. Cute card though.

  2. What a cute card. Love how you cut out the little pieces.

  3. :-) Beautiful! ;-)

  4. I just found your blog and you are very talented! Your Copic coloring is awesome - I'm still trying to get things to look right! Could you tell me the colors you used on your CTMH Ms. gardening? I would love to know what Copics you used on her hair and also on her blue pants. You can e-mail me at Thanks a bunch!
