
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Great Escape

I took a bite out of the Big Apple and survived!

Want to know some things I learned?

Smiley from millan.netBrooklyn really does have fantastic pizza.
And there is a reason New York Cheesecake is famous...Smiley from
Really, their slices are monstrous! Not that I'm complaining much, but my hips sure are.

And I learned it's a real bummer to have delicious food brought to you all week then return home to this...Smiley from

I'm still on NY must be dinner time over there right about now!

My feet are still recovering, but I did survive. I survived 4 days without my boys, without laundry, without cooking, without cleaning, without hearing any yelling...well, no that last part wasn't exactly true...I was in NYC after all.

But now I'm back to the relative quietness of my home...relative because the boys still have 2 more weeks of school break.

So I'll have lots of help while I'm scrapping these new pictures of the trip. Smiley from Yeah, that's what I was thinking, too.

While I'm getting those layouts started, I'll share something I created for last month's open house.

Click to enlarge the picture

Stamps:CTMH Grown With Love, Charms Alphabet Small, Tiny Typewriter
Inks: CTMH Chocolate

Papers: CTMH Twitterpated Reflections Kit

This was created with the new All-Sorts Mini Album from CTMH. I also used the new Dimensional Element buttons to add, the pages.

(And incidentally, this is also the featured project for a workshop coming up in a couple of weeks.)

I made this to remember (like I could ever forget) The Great Escape the ladies at church had last month.
We took off to the mountains and left our husbands Smiley from millan.netat home with the kids.

It was only for overnight so I don't think too many of us where worried. We had a fantastic time with each other, great food, a wonderful speaker and lots of laughs.

Then they brought out the rapelling equipment...Smiley from WHAT!

And I let myself get talked into doing it, too! If you look at the album and find the page with the rapelling pictures, you'll notice it features nuts. That was not a coincidence.

Wow, I sure talked a lot today! I must have missed blogging more than I thought. That, or I can actually sit long enough to think a thought.

1 comment:

  1. This little book looks great! I can't wait to make one myself!
    :-) Sounds like quite a trip! Rapelling??!! Wow - I am totally impressed - I would NEVER attempt it! :-) LOL
    Just love those icons you use!!
    :-) Be Well!
