
Monday, November 2, 2009

When It Rains...

No art to share today. Just wanted to say I won't be blogging for the week. My sister called yesterday with news that our grandma, Mommaw to us kids, passed away suddenly. I told the boys that I'm sad because I'll miss her, but I'm happy that she'll be with Papa now.

So where's the rain? I never check my facebook account...just don't find the time I guess. But I did today for some reason. I learned that a college friend just passed away. He was a band director in El Paso and we sat next to each other in the clarinet section a lot during those school years.

Tell the people you love how you feel, every day, because life is short.


  1. I just wanted to leave you a note that I love you Angela! I am sorry for your loss.

  2. So So Sorry about your Mommaw! :-(

  3. Hola! Cómo estás? Espero que muy bien :)
    Estaba navegando de sitio en sitio y me encontré con tu blog. Me parece un buen blog y aplaudo cualquier iniciatova de extender el mundo del Anime y el manga a todos..

    Ya que estoy aquí quisiera hacerte una invitacion a ti y a los que te visitan, sobre mi pagina dond encontraras: Reseñas de Anime, Anime Online, Manga y demas

    Te vaya a gustar.

    o si la quieres en Ingles:


