
Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I'm usually happy to start a new year. I use January as a "practice month" to get the rest of the year organized and get everyone back on a good school schedule. I even told the boys (including Engineer) that the word for the year was ORDER. That meant this year we would focus on getting the house in order (decluttering the closets, giving things away, etc.), getting our finances in order (can see the light at the end of the debt tunnel), getting ourselves in order (each of us getting our work done so we can have more time together as a family). Doesn't that sound nice? Even the first lesson of Joy School this semester for Knock-Out was The Joy of Order!

Of course his teacher for those lessons had to call and tell me when she asked the class what order meant, Knock-Out raised his hand and said, "When you call the pizza man!"Smiley from

So where was I...oh, yeah. Order. Do you all know the old adage, "Life is what happens while you're making other plans?" I would like to meet the person that coined that phrase and give him a piece of my mind.Smiley from On second thought, I could use all the pieces I have left.

Our house has been upside down for the past couple of weeks and I'm just about to go crazy from it. It has been raining quite a bit over here and we found some water damage on the baseboards behind our bed. Oh joy. So we've moved our bed frames to the hall, our mattress is taking up all the floor space in the boys' toy room, the boys have been using the living room and dining table as a play room for all their Lego sets. Thank goodness the bathrooms are still the bathrooms.Smiley from

All this chaos is the reason I haven't been very crafty lately. But I have swap deadlines to meet and projects that have to get started. So every once in a while I've been able to push stuff to the side and get a card made here or there.

In the Copic Crafter group (see that neat little blue button on the left side? I made that!) we have a Birthday swap for the year. All those that signed up have a month to shower the birthday girl (or boy) with cards. I was super hesitant to sign up because my resolution last year was to get my own family their birthday cards to them on time. And what happened?

Smiley from That resolution died about September.

But I caved to the peer pressure and here I am trying to meet birthday deadlines again. Our group has also "adopted" a soldier through one of the members and her birthday was the first to come up. She loves purple and I dug through all my paper until I found something that would work. I kept the embellishments to a minimum...actually, I didn't use any at all now that I look at it. Hmmm. A nice simple card. Who knew I could to that? Mom?

Stamps: My Favorite Things: You Take The Cake
Inks: Memento Tuxedo Black
Papers: CTMH Bella Reflections Kit

So I'm not sure when I'll get the table cleared of Lego pirates and space police to get crafty again. But it will have to be soon or I may loose that one piece of my mind that's left.


  1. Angie! I love getting on here, looking at your cards and keeping up with your family!!

  2. Oh, Angela! Thank you so much for helping us with the Stake Activity Day handout! I knew you were the perfect person to ask. I really enjoyed working with you on it and hearing all your Lego, travel, and even water damage stories. :)
    Hang in there with your "construction job". Just keep thinking: new carpet- YES! no more water damage- YES! no more living in the toy room YESSSS!

    <3 -Mary->

    PS- What does "copic" mean?

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