
Monday, May 17, 2010

H2H Challenge: Colorific

Good Monday Morning! Hope your weekend was restful and/or productive...whichever you intended it to be. We had friends over for dinner and games Saturday night which meant all my recent crafting had to be put away. But that was fine with me because I finished up my secret project and got it in the mail a whole day before the postmark deadline! Smiley from
Now just to wait around for July for the results. Smiley from I know you other CTMH consultants that did the same secret project are feeling the same thing!

So to pass the time, let's get to this week's H2H Challenge!
Smiley from

What images come to mind when I say the word Ocean?

Smiley from

Okay, what about Topiary?

Smiley from

And if I say Desert Sand?

Smiley from

Yeah, me too! That's what made this week's color challenge so...challenging! But I sat myself down, found some inspiration and got to work.

But first, for those of you not familiar with those three CTMH colors, here they are:

And here is my card using them:

Stamps: CTMH Cherish The Moment (May 2010 SOTM), Argyle Backgrounds (retired)
Inks: CTMH Ocean, Topiary, Desert Sand
Papers: CTMH Colonial White, Ocean, Topiary

What's that? CTMH doesn't have Ocean ribbon? Yes, I know but I also know how to remedy that. I took some of my favorite Colonial White ribbon and ran it a couple of times over an Ocean ink pad until I was happy with the color. Voila, instant color coordination!

So find some inspiration by looking at all the great DT artwork and get started on your own!

♥ Carol-Scramping with Carol
♥ Helen-Hooked on Stamping
♥ Jayma-Playing with Paper
♥ Katy-an inside to my heart....
♥ Mary-on Life and Creating
♥ Tracey-Tracey Mason's Studio


  1. Lovely card! Great idea to run the ribbon over the ink pad...I always forget that! The ribbon looks GREAT that way!

  2. Gorgeous! I also love what you did with the ribbon - I always forget that I can do that! :-)
    And can I just whine to you for a second....? I made a card for last weeks challenge but with the weekend I had.... I didn't get it posted!!! :-( Boo for me! So I'm gonna put it on the H2H site anyways but I'm so sad that I didn't get it photo'd and on the site in time. I'm really trying to do the H2H challenges. darnit! :-) And the site IS GREAT inspiration! I'm loving it!
    Have a great week Angela!

  3. I've never even thought about dying the clever. Very cute card.

  4. Love the the everything!!!

  5. very pretty! love the ribbon!

  6. Love this card! I always forget that I can ink up the ribbon...

  7. WOW! I absolutely LOVE this card. It's so elegant yet so simple.

    Visiting from the H2H blog.

    <3 Jenn

  8. Such a pretty card! Of course the first question I asked when I saw it was, "How did she get that perfect ribbon?" Great idea!
