
Monday, May 10, 2010

H2H Challenge: Neat Techniques

Who's ready for another weekly H2H Challenge?
Smiley from

Okay class, settle down. This week's challenge is to include a technique, any technique, in your art piece. If you'll all turn to your Wishes book and look at the card on page 92...wait, some of you don't have your own books?

Smiley from

I'm speechless.

What are you waiting for? If you're a card maker, this book is a life saver! Run to the nearest CTMH consultant (that would be me) and get your own...don't worry, I'll wait. Here, I'll make it easy for you: Wishes

Okay, now we can continue. As I was saying, Wishes is not only full of card templates and ideas, it also features tips and techniques on almost every page. The one I used here is from page 92 and is called ghosting.

I've never used this particular technique though it is quite similar to emboss resisting. It just adds an extra step.

First, here is my card:

Stamps: CTMH Wonderful Friend (June 2010 SOTM)
Inks: CTMH Olive, Brown Bag, VersaMark
Papers: CTMH Colonial White, Garden Green, Brown Bag

You see what I did there? The sentiment says 'the greatest treasure is invisible'...and I've made my watch invisible...because I have no time right now...thus making it very treasurable to me.

It's a very meaningful card I tell ya.
Smiley from

Right, back to the technique class.

When you choose your image, you'll emboss it with clear embossing powder onto a light colored cardstock. Then sponge around the image with a darker ink. Right here would be the end of an emboss resist technique. To do the ghosting technique, you'll need to get out your iron. Smiley from Yes, I said iron. I have one we got as a wedding present years ago and I think I've actually used it on clothes a total of 5 times in 10 years. So it has since become my craft iron. After you've embossed and inked your image, take a scrap piece of cardstock and place it over the image. Using a hot iron, run it over the scrap cardstock. Now don't leave it on too long...I don't want to be responsible for any fires!Smiley from

The heat from the iron will melt the embossing powder to the scrap cardstock. When you remove it, all that's left is the ghosting of the image.

Pretty neat, huh class?

Okay now, you've all got your assignments. Head over to the H2H Challenge Blog and see the other techniques featured by the DT members. Be sure to get your pieces posted by the Sunday deadline...there is another Prize Sponser this week!

Okay, class dismissed!
Smiley from


  1. love this, Angela. I don't know how I missed this technique in Wishes but will now have to give it a try.

  2. I think I love you! Not only for your cool technique, but mostly for your "iron usage" comments! I'm with you, girl!

  3. You crack me up!!!
    I so love those little icons! It's like they were made personally for you! :-)
    Oh gosh - HAVE to figure out a technigque and do a crad for H2H :-)

  4. this is super cute. I love how you made your watch invisible since you don't have any time...brilliant!

  5. LOVE your technique but even more loved the post - made me chuckle. Thanks for a great card and technique!
