
Thursday, August 19, 2010

H2H Challenge: Back To School

Ah, the three most beautiful words a mother can hear. Smiley from

Well, besides "Thanks for dinner!" and "You're the greatest!" and "What? You want me to clean my room? Sure Mom. You've worked hard enough today, why don't the other boys and I go out with Dad and give you an evening to yourself."

Okay, that last one may be a bit longer than three words.

This week over at H2H Challenge, the theme is Back To School. And even though we've been back to school for 4 weeks already, I couldn't quite figure out what to create. But with all this newly found freedom during the day, I have ample time to peruse the blogosphere for ideas.Smiley from

And this morning I hit the jackpot over at The Crafting Chicks! Smiley from They just did a whole 2 weeks worth of ideas. But you know what really caught my eye? Their banner for their back to school brainstorm.

It was the perfect inspiration for me to whip up a quick card.

Stamps: CTMH Good Work, Tiny Typewriter Alphabet
Inks: CTMH Cranberry, Sweet Leaf, Indian Corn Blue, Brown Bag, White Daisy, Creme Brulee
Papers: CTMH Cranberry, Sweet Leaf, Indian Corn Blue, Brown Bag, White Daisy, Creme Brulee, Black

It's getting late in the day and you know what? I just thought of three more words any mother would love to hear..."Let's eat out!"


  1. Love, love, love this card! Mind if I card lift it? Awesome work.

  2. LOVE IT, CUTE!!!

  3. So cute! The details are nice and neat.

  4. Great card Angela! And yes, I love those three words myself - Let's Eat Out! LOL
    Thanks for playing along with H2H!

  5. Love it! Awesomely cool chalk board and all the fixin's for sending those kiddies back to school! Great work, Angela, thanks for joining us at Heart 2 Heart challenges! (BTW, I would love to hear all those words as well...must be a mom thing!)

  6. Awesome card! Thanks for sharing with us at H2H.

  7. Very cute, I like the blue strip it looks like denim! Thanks for playing with H2H!
