
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

H2H Challenge: Tag! You're It!

Since last week was my last H2H Challenge as a DT member, I guess I've gotten a bit lazy!
Smiley from Here it is, already Wednesday and I'm just getting my piece finished.

The challenge this week is to create a piece of artwork that includes a tag. Well, that sounds easy enough, right? My inspiration didn't come until Monday night, however. That's when, after dinner, Engineer looked at all the peaches we've he's been harvesting from our tree and said,

"These aren't going to last very long. We should can them...tonight." To which I replied, "Do you have any idea how long it will take to can 20 lbs of peaches?" And then I believe I made a this Smiley from

But we headed to the store to get the one item we didn't have for canning peaches, plus everything else that somehow found it's way into the cart. We finally got started at 8:oo. Engineer said I didn't have to help him, but I don't think I could have lived with that pleading face.
Smiley from
After assuring the boys we were in fact not making dessert and getting them off to bed, we worked quietly in the kitchen...and surprisingly didn't make too much of a mess!
Smiley from
And even though everything was done and put away by 11:00, I was awake enough to wonder how I could use those jars in my tag challenge somehow.

With nothing on the calendar for today (except that awesome sale going on right now), I gathered my supplies and got to work! First thing I did was pull out my Wishes book. And what do you know, a card with a tag...right on the cover!

I just had to pick my papers and stamp set and I was good to go!

Stamps: CTMH Bowl Of Cherries (exclusive to Cherry-O Workshop On The Go)
Inks: CTMH Chocolate, Sweet Leaf, Indian Corn Blue, Creme Brulee, Taffy, Sorbet
Papers: CTMH Magic Moments Reflections Kit, Perfect Day Reflections Kit

And to answer your question, yes I did all the stitching by hand.

Which is why I took so many pictures of it!


  1. Absolutely beautiful! Love the colors & nice work on the tag. I used the same pattern for my card :)

  2. Super cute card! I love it! My goodness that is some good hand stitching. =} Thanks for playing along with us at H2H Challenges.

  3. Wow! I would have taken many photos also if I had hand stitched as beautifully as you did! And those cherries look like you cut each one out individually! Amazing work, thanks so much for joining us at Heart 2 Heart Challenges!

  4. Thanks ladies! Yes, the cherries & leaves were cut out as well as the bowl. But I was hoping they'd look like peaches!

  5. They are clearly little fuzzy peaches!!! I love them, who would of thought, so cute. Your card is just adorable!

  6. Oh, how I love this set who would not love canned peaches? Those are peaches I see! This is great and that stiching is unbeleivable!

  7. that is a SWEET tag

  8. Very pretty and I love the hand stitching!

  9. This is just darling! I love the stitching you did - it does make a difference, excellent work!!

  10. Angela, this is awesome! I love how you turned the cherries into clever! And the hand-stitching is the perfect touch.

  11. Awesome tag and card (as I expected) and the peaches look YUMMY! Of course, I love the smileys too :) Thanks for playing with us!

  12. LOL, too funny. Wow, you must have worked fast, canning peaches doesn't seem that fast when I do them with mom.

    Love the tag! You did a great job on the H2H DT.

    Thanks for playing along with H2H!

  13. FABULOUS work, I love dimension and the peaches popping off the card grabbed me. Hand stitching wowzers, I would have whipped out my sewing machine,awesome touch!!
