
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Studio J Layout: Fun At The Park you hear that?

It's not something often heard here in my house, but I thoroughly enjoy it when I do.

Know what it is? Smiley from

Blessed Silence. Engineer took the three boys out to watch our cousin's soccer team in a championship game...and I got to stay home! Smiley from The boys asked me what I was going to do by myself. Hmmm. Let me think...

I took an uninterrupted shower, washed the sheets, did the dishes, and picked up the living room.

Sounds fun, right? Smiley from Well, if I can do all that without someone asking me to fix them something to eat, help them find a missing shoe, or help them get to the next level on their Wii game I'll call it good. And for some reason, housework seems to go much quicker when I'm by myself!

So now that the washer is going, I'll stop and share a layout with you.

Studio J: Mayberry Reflections Kit

This is one of the 30 layouts I completed last month using the Studio J special.
Smiley from I know! That's a lot of layouts!

So this layout is of the boys at the park...obviously. I told them we could go only if they let me take pictures. After grumbling from Loquacious, we left for the park. They brought kites to fly with their Dad, but while he was getting those ready, I got the boys to pose for me. As with any photo shoot with them, it quickly got silly and I just kept clicking away with the camera.

When I was working on this layout, the Mayberry Kit seemed like the perfect papers to create it with. Especially with the cute My Stickease trees, kites and quotes. I don't have this kit in paper, but after using it in Studio J, I'm sure it will make it's way to my closet sometime soon.

While I still have time to myself, I think I'll brave the boys' room and see what damage I can do. If you don't hear from me in a week, send in the troops...or chocolate...whichever is easiest!

Have a great weekend!Smiley from

1 comment:

  1. LOL - I SO enjoy reading your posts!
    Looks like a good time in the park - did you make it out of the boys room? ;-)
    Hope to see your Saturday at Sue's....
    :-) Wendy
