
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Studio J: My Fairytale

So it seems to have been a while since my last post. Darn that whole "life gets in the way" thing!
Smiley from
But I have a special layout to share today. Engineer may not appreciate me sharing it, but today I can do whatever I want. So here it is...

Studio J: Sweetheart Reflections Kit

The quote, in case you can't read it, says,

"Every once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytale."

I wanted to have a layout of just me and Engineer...and truthfully, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to find enough pictures to fill the layout I chose! I am usually the one behind the camera (like many of you, I'm guessing) and Engineer...well, he's really good natured about having his picture taken, even though I'm sure it's not his favorite thing to do. So I was pleasently surprised to find so many of just us together.

So why can I do anything I want today you ask? Go ahead...ask.
Well, it's my birthday today! Smiley from

And since it's my day and I can do anything I want...I've opted to not do any of the regular things I do about the house like:

Smiley from laundry

shopping Smiley from

Smiley from cleaning

or cooking Smiley from

I had a nice visit with some friends that stopped by earlier and later tonight I get to pick someplace to go for dinner. No cooking or cleaning! I may even go to a craft store or two and clean out their scrapping and beading sections!

Now that would truly be a fairytale!

Smiley from

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