
Sunday, July 22, 2012

CTMH Convention 2012 Roommate Gifts

It seems I've been neglecting my blog lately!

I'd love to say I've been on an extended holiday,
Smiley from
or become rich and famous, Smiley from
or even been approached by a tall, dark and handsome man with a british accent and magic blue box. Smiley from
But sadly, none of those things have happened...yet. Smiley from

What did happen was Blogger changed things around and with the end of school and summer travels, I just did not have the time, or patience, to sit and figure things out again.

I did start several different posts, but ultimately had to just give up.  Things looked wonky and I had to wait for my IT guy (Engineer) to sit down with me and help.

But now I think things are settled down and I can actually get some things posted!

Let me start with sharing this necklace I made. 

A couple of weeks ago, our CTMH Convention was held in Dallas.  I've always brought the whole family with me to convention, but this time they opted not to join me.  Dallas in July...can't imagine why.
Smiley from

Anyway, since I was going to stay with friends, I wanted to join in that long tradition of giving roommate gifts.  I wanted something we could wear the whole time and decided on these stamped washer necklaces.  Do you like?

Inks: Ranger Inks Black, White, Stream, and Silver

I got a metal stamp set earlier this summer and was happy to find another use for it!  As you can see, I stamped "CTMH  Dallas  2012" on the back and colored the letters with a black sharpie.  Then I used rubbing alcohol to quickly wipe off the excess ink.  I used Ranger Inks to color the front of the washer to match our convention group color (Lonestar Lagoon) and then covered it with CTMH Liquid Glass.  I let them dry over night.  I found charms that would mean something to this convention: our initial, a heart with a rhinestone, and a boot.

I had so much fun making these!  I'm going to have to look for more excuses to whip some up...or not!

So now that I think I won't blow a gasket every time I try to post, I promise to be better about sharing things.  After all, a new CTMH Idea Book is almost here and it is full of fantastic things for the upcoming holiday seasons!

But if I do see a magic blue box around my house, you may not hear from me for a long time!
Smiley from

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