
Friday, August 24, 2012

You Are My SonShine Studio J Layout

The end of August is quickly coming and the sun here in Tucson is still toasting us. Smiley from

I wanted to share one of my recent favorite layouts from Studio J. Well, they're all my favorite! But this one was fun to do and such a random little bit of life.

It was just a random October afternoon a couple of years ago.  My youngest and I were in the backyard.  I was probably lamenting about the number of weeds or something, but he was having fun on the swings.
Smiley from
It was nothing big, but he kept giggling about it.  That's when I thought, "I'd rather remember him like this than those stinking weeds." I ran to get my camera.  He stayed on the swings long enough for me to get a couple of good shots.  I don't remember much else about that afternoon, but I do remember his smile...and that's what is important!

Splash Zone Reflections Kit

Have you checked out the new papers in Studio J lately?  Care to take a guess as to how many paper kits are available to you?  What are your favorite photos that are still lurking in your computer?  Get them out and into your albums!
Smiley from

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