
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mom Growing Pains

Last night, I experienced a first in my years as a mom...sending my child off on an overnight school trip.  All I could think was  Smiley from  I was hoping I wasn't the only one, but all the other parents seemed okay.  Even Engineer was cool and calm!  So I did the next best thing...I faked it. Smiley from millan.netNot very convincingly though, I'm sure.

Just about now, Bio-Comp and his classmates are reaching the Magic Kingdom at Disneyland.  I know!  Why wasn't I asked to be a chaperone? Smiley from 

Even though I was am nervous about him being away from home, he totally deserves to have this fun time with his friends.  He's worked really hard his first quarter in middle school.  He's joined lots of clubs, kept his grades up (got on the High Honor Roll even!), and participated on the Cross Country team!

After he was packed, I slipped this card into his suitcase.  I wanted him to know how proud we all are of him! 
Stamps: Superhero WOTG
Papers: Superhero Reflections Kit
Inks: Black, Honey
Accessories: Silver Shimmer Trim, Comic Badges
Tools: Art Philosophy Cricut cartridge
Now I think I'll just spend the day in my room...waiting for the phone to beep with a text from Bio-Comp telling me how much fun he's having...Smiley from ...without his mom!


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