
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Family Ties

Last night was our monthly Relief Society meeting at church and the lesson was on Family History and getting those sacred records written for our posterity.
Smiley from

I was asked to set up a table to display scrapbooking as part of doing your family history.  Because it really is family history!

When you think of doing geneology work, you may think of those family pages and pedigree charts, scrolling through old microfiche, dusty rooms filled with bound books on the shelves.  But it can be much more than that. 

When I saw the new Avonlea papers way back in July at Convention, I had an idea of what I wanted to do with them.  They are perfect for doing a family tree, especially with the sheet of paper with the pedigree chart on it already!

So this is what I made for my family.  It's modified from a regular chart to fit all three of my boys' names on it.   (And yes, I did blur out everyone's name on purpose...except my own...because you already know who I am! Smiley from )

Inks: Slate
Papers: Avonlea Reflections Kit
Accessories: Avonlea Complements Canvas Shapes, Sparkles Black & Grey Assortment, Brocade Assortment, Colonial White Embroidery Floss
Tools: Artiste Cricut cartridge
It sits on our piano for everyone to see.  It's easy to remember who you are when you can see where you came from! 
So family history doesn't have to be something that is stuck in a book, on a shelf somewhere, rarely seen.  Make something that you can put out on display!  My sons love this, they can look down the line and see people they know, names they recognize, and ask questions about those they don't!

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