
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Fathers and Sons Campout

Happy Saturday everyone!  This is the first day in quite a while that I don't have some kind of activity scheduled...and it feels great to sit and think for a change.
 From Millan.Net

I have been able to get some more studio scrapping done in the meantime though.  I love that I can leave it and come back when I have some time...and it's all ready for me to pick up where I left off! 

This summer I took lots of photos...lots.  (With a trip to Disneyworld that's to be expected, right?)  But I wasn't the only one in the family to do so.  I think I've pretty much got my boys trained to take a camera where ever they go...and get lots of photos, too!  Back in May, our church had a Father/Son campout.  The boys look forward to it every do I!  I'm sad that I miss out on watching everyone have fun, but I really, really like having the house to myself for a night!  I took the photos Engineer shot and put together a nice layout for the boys to remember.

Studio J: Victory Reflections Kit

I love that every shot had the fire in it!  I don't think that was intentional on his part, but Engineer did me proud.
 From Millan.Net

Have you tried Studio J yet?  Head over to my website and see how easy it is to get started!

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