
Monday, January 26, 2009

Thinking Of You

See, even when I'm away from my blog, I still think of all my readers...all two of you.

Last week, Engineer was off freezing in Detroit doing engineery things and I had the run of the house.

That's great for dinner time:

"What, boys? You want hot dogs for dinner? Coming right up!"

It's bad for everything else:

"I'm helping your brother right now, can't you ask your...oh, wait."

So while I did get to take over the table and make cards...I could only do it little bits at a time. It took me a couple of days, sadly, to make a Valentine's card. It's for Engineer so I'll have to wait a couple of weeks to post it...I think he reads this blog.

I made this card earlier this month for my CTMH unit swap. I kept it simple but wanted to think outside the box a bit. It uses next months SOTM. It's called Easter Eggs and strangely enough, it's full of eggs. I used one of the textured designs to stamp on the Just Blooms large flower, I tried to pick on that was close to the print on the paper pack. For the smaller flower, I added Juniper re-inker and water to my mini mister and sprayed until I got the shade I wanted. Then it was just a matter of sewing the button on. Yes, it's really stitched on, I don't like the look of naked buttons.

Stamps: CTMH Easter Eggs (February SOTM), Say It In Style
Inks: CTMH Juniper
Papers: CTMH Perfect Day Reflections Kit

Friday, January 16, 2009

One More Birthday Card

So my New Year's Resolution sure got a work out this week. But I'm afraid that's all that got a work out this week. Sigh.

A sister, a brother, a son, and a sister-in-law all having their birthdays in the same week makes one busy card crafter! This card is for my sister-in-law, Jenny. And once again, I'm hoping the mailman got it to her on time.

Stamps: Stamping Bella Partygirlabella
Inks: Brilliance Graphite Black
Papers: CTMH Birthday Bash Reflections Kit (long retired)
I did use Xmas Red Stickles and my Clear and Lemon Spica Glitter pens to make it sparkle, you just can't see it in the photo.

And now that the birthdays are over for the month, I should get some Valentine things started.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

On My Birthday Honor

Today is Bio-Comp's birthday. He turns 8 and besides his birthday, it also means he now gets to go to Scouts. We took him to the Scout shop earlier this week to get his uniform and all the other stuff he'd need and his face was lit up the entire time.

I made this card for him because I'm just a proud Mom that loves her boy, no other reason. Well, and that I used the sketch challenge layout again, and got to use my new markers again.

Stamps: CTMH Salute, Fleur Of Merit
Inks: CTMH Sunflower, Moonstruck, Brilliance Graphite Black
Papers: CTMH Moonstruck, Sunflower

I used my Red and Gold Spica Glitter pens to make the slide and belt buckle stand out, boys don't really want their cards to "sparkle". Or so I was told.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Birthday Buds

Today is my twin brother's and sister's birthday. Not that they are my twins, but each others. And my New Year's Resolution is to have every one's birthday cards in their hands on their special day.

I mean really, I have my own scrapbook store in my closet, but I can't make anything special for my family and friends? How lame, as Loquacious would say.

So, in order for me to not have broken my resolution, which if you think about it, relies heavily on the good ol' postal service, I hope they received these today!

Stamps: DOTS Best Friends
Inks: Brilliance Graphite Black
Papers: CTMH Good Times Reflection Kit

I had fun working on these cards, I got to play with my new Copic markers. I've been telling Engineer about how wonderful these are, that they are the Rolls Royce in the world of markers. He said, "Like Me in the world of husbands?"

Yes honey, just like you.

It took me a couple of years to track down this particular stamp. And I had to have this one, just for their birthday cards. Why? My sister has always liked rubber ducks. She liked them so much she married someone named Duckworth. Ok, maybe that wasn't the only reason, but what a coincidence! And my brother? He has had the nickname Bear for so many years, it's on his name badge at work. He's even said some people at work didn't realize that wasn't even his real name. So when I saw this in an old CTMH catalog (back when it was DOTS) I set out to find it. The searching paid off and now it's home with me...and a couple hundred of it's own brothers and sisters.

Friday, January 9, 2009

I Like My Calling...

How perfect is it to have a calling at church that gives you an excuse to make cards? I'm the secretary for the woman's organization (the Relief Society) and part of my assignment is to have birthday cards ready to send to each of the women in our ward. Every month I make a batch of cards to be signed and sent out. I have been dying to use the Quilter's Sampler stamp set I got a couple of months ago from Papertrey Ink, and thought it was the right time to ink it up. Actually, the right time to ink up any stamp is as soon as you get it home, but that's not always possible, right?

So this is the card I came up with for January's birthday ladies.

Stamps: Papertrey Ink Quilter's Sampler
Inks: CTMH Cocoa
Papers: CTMH Perfect Day Reflection Kit

It's pretty simple, the way I like cards, but has just enough to make it interesting, I think.

On another note, I did get to play with my new Copics. I have to say I didn't think I'd love a marker this much...but I do. I've made some birthday cards with them but I'll wait until the recipients get them before I spoil the surprise. What surprise? The fact that I mailed them out in time!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Nothing But Time

Now that school has started up again today, the house is much quieter with just Knock-Out and me at home. I'm sitting here waiting for my Copics to be delivered, and not very patiently mind you. Engineer laughed at me when I told him I'd been dreaming about these markers, literally.

While I wait, I'll share a project I made last month. I saw this calendar on Cambria Turnbow's blog and knew that CTMH's January Stamp of the Month would be perfect for it. I ended up making four of them, two for the boys teachers, one for a Secret Santa exchange, and one for me...because after all that work, I wanted something for myself. I'm selfish that way.

This did go together pretty quickly, once all the pieces were cut out. I used my Cricut to cut the numbers and the curvy thingy...does anyone know what those things are called? I did make mine bigger than hers, just to accommodate the size of the stamps. And for those of you wondering, the stamp set is created to make calendars of any year, not just 2009. The base is a 12 x 7.5 piece of Colonial White cardstock. Folded over, it makes four 6 x 7.5 pages for your calendar. I put all my pieces on the Chocolate cardstock together first. When I attached the Chocolate base to the Colonial White piece, I only taped the top and the sides, leaving the bottom opened. This was how Cambria did hers and I just followed...I'm good at following others.

Stamps: CTMH Moments In Time (January SOTM)
Inks: CTMH Chocolate
Papers: CTMH Aspen Reflection Kit, Chocolate cardstock

Stamps: CTMH Moments In Time (January SOTM)
Inks: CTMH Chocolate
Papers: Perfect Day Reflection Kit

Stamps: CTMH Moment In Time (what, again?)
Inks: Let me guess, Chocolate?
Papers: CTMH Good Times

Stamps: Take a guess
Inks: Ditto
Papers: CTMH Enchanted Reflection Kit

Hark! The doorbell is ringing and that can only mean one thing! FedEx is here with my Copics! I'll have to spend some time playing today I suppose.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Well, the late night turned into a long day. We saw an ad last night for a furniture store in town that was going out of business. This one store has furnished most of our home, so I was interested in the sale, but didn't really think too seriously about it. This morning, Engineer asked if we should go "just to look". The thing about that phrase is, we never just look. We walk into the showroom empty handed, but always manage to have a sales slip when we leave. And today was no exception. But in this case, I don't mind...we REALLY need a new living room set. And since we opted not to pay the $175 delivery charge and wait 10 days, we get to pick it up whenever we want! I told Engineer I didn't know what I was more excited about, the new furniture or my new Copic markers that will be delivered on Monday. I'm sure he thinks I'm weird.

So, back to crafting. I did get my card for the sketch done, and here it is.

Stamps: CTMH Key To My Heart, Dream Team
Inks: CTMH Juniper, Cocoa, Creme Brulee reinker, StazOn Timber Brown
Papers: CTMH Key To My Heart Reflection Kit

I stamped the Ms. with the StazOn and colored her in with my prismacolor pencils and gamsol. CTMH has a couple of new sets featuring these ladies. This particular set is for setting goals and reaching your dreams. My dream is to have a waist as tiny as hers. Sigh. I used the Creme Brulee reinker to dye the tiny flowers and added a Sparkle to the center. It was pretty simple and fun to do. I'd like to do another one, but it'll have to wait until the living room is ready.

New Year, New Challenge

Another year has snuck up on me! No matter, all the things I didn't get finished last year are still here for me to not do this year as well.

As it is a new year, I thought I'd do something new. Not new to the blogging community, but new to me. In my Wild Cards group I give them sketches and examples of cards to make. But I know there are some friends and readers out there not part of that group and I wanted to include them. So on this first day of the first month of a new year, I'm issuing my first Craft Closet Challenge. Take this sketch and make a card with it. It's that simple...or elaborate, depending on how you embellish it. Put a sentiment on it, or leave it blank. Add embellishments, or leave it simple. Turn it on it's side. Do what ever tickles your fancy. To celebrate this first challenge, post your card on your blog, or if you don't have one, email me a picture of it, by the 15th of this month and I'll put your name in a drawing for some new CTMH Pewter Design Brads.

And since it was such a late night, I'll have to get back to you with my card!