
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Idea Books Coming Soon

That's right, in another month you'll be able to see the new Spring/Summer 2012 Idea Book! It is full of wonderful new papers, stamps, embellishments and ideas. But unfortunately, it also means room has to be made for all these great new products. As so, with sadness we'll be saying good-bye to the following CTMH items.
Smiley from

Smiley from But do not fret.

You still have until January 31, 2012 to purchase anything you see that you just can't live without! Visit my website to help you cure your retirement blues and as a thank you, I'll send you a copy of the brand new Spring/Summer 2012!
Now, don't you feel better?Smiley from

The Slideshow was provided by a very generous CTMH Consultant Tammy Jenkins from PaperHeartist
Smiley from

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