
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Craft Closet Is Now Done!!!

So its been three months since I was last on my blog.
Smiley from
Holy Cow is right! What have I been doing all that time? Let me show you.

When we moved into the new house, we each got to choose a room. Since Engineer's office furniture wouldn't fit into this room, it was then set aside for my craft space/office.

The previous owner had left all this wonderful exercise equipment for us. You can see Knock-Out here doing some miles on the treadmill. The boys thought it was awesome and said I could stamp and do power lifts at the same time.
Smiley from

Now this is a photo of when the room was relatively clean...meaning no boxes. The months after the move found this room quickly getting filled with box upon box. And it spilled out into the front room, too! We called California Closets and had a wonderful design consultant come out and help me create my dream craft space. Well, as much of my dream space as we could fit into the room! Smiley from

After new paint, new floors, new lights,Smiley from new window shutters, and new room is ready to play in.

Take a look at it now!

That big space on the wall is for my computer monitor. Engineer has already picked out a computer for me...I think he's tired of us sharing the same one! And yes, that's Knock-Out again, peeking around the corner at me.

The boys and I found this nifty hourglass at a craft store and they insisted I buy it. They said I was only allowed to play in my room until the sand ran out...then I had to come out into the real world. Smiley from

Engineer picked out the lights for me. They give off great light and it makes me feel like I'm in a design studio!

I asked for some shelves to showcase a couple of special things. I have photos of the boys, a framed layout, and some other stuff. The bear was my mom' it has a special place in my room.

And here is my little helper again. He just really loves my chair...and to be in pictures.

So that's a quick go around of my new room. I know some of you have been patiently waiting to see pictures of it. And some of you, not so patiently!
Smiley from

Now you know what's been keeping me busy for the past couple of months. And now that I have a space to create again, let the crafting begin!
Smiley from


  1. Oh my goodness Angie! I am GREEN with envy! That room is beautiful and I want to come and craft in it!! Enjoy!! Love ya! Shawna

  2. Holy Smokes Angela - that is absolutely amazing and SO worth waiting for! Congrats on it - I think I would never leave it!!
    :-) Wendy

  3. Thanks Ladies! Yes, I am spoiled...however, I'm not getting any Christmas, Birthday, Anniversary, Mother's Day gifts for quite some time!

  4. Amazing, awesome, gorgeous, I'm not literate enough to come up with the adjectives this room deserves! Will be so happy to see it! Congrats! You are very blessed! -Laura
